Quality Time
Supervised Child Visitation Monitors
"Making the Most of Each Moment"
Quality Time Monitors offer a variety of services to support positive parent-child interaction. Each service is provided by a professionally trained monitor who upholds standards in adherence to the California Rules of Court.
The intake interview is a meeting between the parent and professional monitor that happens prior to any services being provided. The intake process is the monitor’s mandated responsibility, as well as an essential component of supervised visitation, and it is conducted with each parent separately.
During the interview, the parent and monitor discuss the terms of service and determine if the monitor is a good fit for the job. The parent and monitor review the court order and ensure that all safety requirements can be satisfied.
Our professional monitors will supervise the transfer of the child from one parent to the other.
We supervise the visit between the non-custodial parent (as specified in the court order) and one or more children. The visit is conducted in a neutral location. Visitation locations include parks, restaurants, shopping malls, etc.
2-hour visitation minimum
If permissible by the court, a non-custodial parent can visit with the child(ren) via a phone call or video call. Our professional monitors will monitor the scheduled call and ensure that the visit is safe.
Summary and Detailed reports are available upon request from parent, attorney, or court.
If subpoenaed to appear in court, the Monitor will appear and give formal testimony.
Quality Time Monitors Service the following areas:
Los Angeles and surrounding areas
San Fernando Valley
San Gabriel Valley
Santa Clarita Valley